Favorites, week ending 01.22.17
What will remain a life highlight: traveling to Washington D.C. (via a long Greyhound bus ride from Philadelphia) to participate with thousands and thousands for the Women's March on Washington D.C.
Sidewalk heiroglyphics.
Went for a walk around downtown Philadelphia the night before the big march in D.C.
On a bus from Philadelphia to Washington D.C.
Arrived at the gorgeous D.C. train station. Heart swelled.
Heading from train station to the march.
There were so many of us, for the first few hours it was a rally—we couldn't move to actually march.
We got back to our Philadelphia hotel room at 2:30a (it was a 22 hour day!). My flight the next day was not until the early evening, so was able to enjoy a few hours wandering around this beautiful city.