get out there
That kid in the pink Uggs really wanted to throw herself at the wall of sponges at Hudson Linc, I could tell. Such restraint.
I saw her again later when she came into the fantastic Michael Haussman show at Young Projects and declared loudly in the dark room "Daddy, those people are naked!" It's true, they were. "Gravity" is an intense, emotive installation featuring nude people jumping on trampolines, super slo-mo, life-sized, and strange.
The Design Lab nights at Pacific Design Center make for an odd, shopping mall-like gallery stroll. I always enjoy—and also feel a little puzzled by it. On the second floor of the lurking blue building of PDC is a mix of empty and darkened show rooms and then galleries full of people and art drinking cheap wine out of little plastics cups. The gallerist are friendly and accessible—they want to chat about the art. No steely and silent gallerina's sitting behind big white desks here. People are nice. (Well, mostly. I mean it is L.A. and sure enough there was that one gallery owner who sneers and ignores. Next.) And often the work is really good.