i see naked women (NSFW, gasp)

Ahem. I've just returned from a couple of hours wandering around Art Platform–Los Angeles at Barker Hanger in Santa Monica. (Yes: I'll brave "Carmagedon II" to see art. Whatevs. It's L.A., we drive.)

I really enjoy art fairs, and despite what my Twitter feed says–so do a lot of other people, the place was buzzing.

Much of what I like at a fair doesn't have to do with the art so much as how the galleries present themselves to the fair goers: the lighting, the fake walls, chairs, the giveaways, their attitude. It fascinates me. The dude that never looks up from his iPad, the over eager dealer, the chicks straight out of "Gallery Girls" with their leggy looks. The placards are so different too: some with logos, bad hand written ones, none at all. The logistics of the event itself: the port-o-potties, the staff, the collateral. I love all that stuff.

I like to look at the art too, of course. And I did, for quite a while. Something I noticed right away at Art Platform was how much of the art featured women, in particular their breasts. I became a little obsessed and about a third of the way through my wanderings, starting taking iPhone pics. Here they are. 

Totally NSFW, but I hate "click to read more" links, so just don't scroll down if you don't like to look at boobies. Or if you do like to look at boobies but can't right now.

Mouths were another popular part of women's anatomy at the fair, but I was breast obsessed.

And just when I thought I'd never see a penis: three giant ones presented themselves.

The iPhone images in this post aren't a commentary, btw, rather an observation. 

I'm a huge fan of breasts and use them a lot in my own art. Kate Moss' are a favorite: in black and white and in color. The women of "men's magazines" from the 50's are also a favorite material in my collages. Sexy and sweet.

I may go back to the fair tomorrow and set my eye towards something else. I did spy another penis on the way out, but I was at body part capacity at that point.

I had a hello/goodbye with a head-turningly good fake Jack Nicholson as I left. Seemed like the perfect ending.

(For higher quality images and list of artists, please visit the fair's website.)

Sacha Halona BaumannComment