practicing restraint
I was interviewed this week on The Collage Workbook's website and one of the things I confess is that I have put myself on "paper restriction," meaning I do not allow myself to acquire any additional paper products to add to my bulging collection. Because I hoard paper.
The restriction doesn't mean I stop looking though. In fact, my eye seems to seek it out. Yesterday on my daily walk with the pup I spied a piece of torn notebook paper upside down in an alley. I reached down and turned it over. I really wanted to take it with me. I took a picture instead.
And I've been thinking about the paper ever since. Is it still there?
(One of my prized pieces of paper ephemera is from an alley: a hand-written 1969 diary. In 2004 I started posting on my blog entries from it, and eventually did so with daily regularity under the title "1969: The Year of Perry Mason." Here's January 26, 1969.)