stacks on stacks on stacks

Like so many avid internetters, I enjoy browsing lists of interesting links on other people's sites. Is this lazy? Nah. Having someone else do the hunting around for intriguing stuff to check out is the nature of the beast. And if you don't just browse the internet, but also create content, you can do the same for your followers. And that is what I've done below.

My list actually is a bit lazy, because it's not things I've read and think are great, but rather what is currently on my Instapaper waiting to be read. If you don't use this service already and you are like me and leave 27 tabs open on your browser to remind yourself to come back and read them, well... hit the "Read Later" button instead. It's terrific. But sometimes I forget to go back to actually read it later. It feels a bit like my DVR full of movies I'm sure I'll be in the mood for some night.

Most of the stuff on my Instapaper is gathered via Flipboard (you use this amazing app too, right?) which includes all the RSS feeds from my Google Reader, links friends post on Facebook and Twitter, and some magazines I follow. So my Instapaper is curated on curated on curated (to overuse the word all real curators hate). It's link curation. 

So here I go: links I may read (later). 

Graphic Designers of the L.A. Art World KCET
Totally sounds up my alley: I love design, I love art, I love L.A., and I love PBS.

Curated by David Salle: Amy Sillman and Tom McGrath the Paris Review
The pictures accompanying the piece are beautiful and I really love David Salle (the first piece of art I ever bought was by him), so my interest was piqued.

Go on, 'Curate' this Commentary Too Scott Simon on NPR

You're Doing It Wrong: Lentils Slate
If you know me, you know I love to cook and that legumes are a several days a week staple of my diet. Despite all that cooking (and cookbooks), I pretty rarely follow recipes. I like reading about techniques though.

Zaha Hadid Architects and the Neoliberal Avant-Garde Mute Magazine
A bunch of people on my Facebook feed were pretty puffy about this piece, so I thought I'd read it (later). And I just wrote a few not-so-nice (but not at all scholarly) words about the Hadid install I just saw. And I live with an architect. And although the ridiculously smarty-pants language of the piece irritates me, it also amuses.

Phys Ed: An Easy Fix for Tennis Elbow? New York Times
I am hoping the answer is a resounding: Yes! I've been seriously plagued by this for over a year. 

Wangechi Mutu Solo Exhibition Suzanne Vielmetter
This is a press release about an upcoming show I really want to see. The gallery does a pretty poor job at social media, but they did link to their own release on FB, so I guess they are sort of doing it right? 

This Is the Book of the 2012 Americans for the Arts National Arts Awards GalleristNY
I glanced at this and hit Read Later immediately. The fact that it was an article written as a list struck me as cheeky and, well, it's about art and books. Although uncredited, it's written by the very smart and entertaining Sarah Douglas.

What Divide? A Personal Mediation on the Online vs. IRL Hyperallergic
There seems to be an insane amount of articles about how bad social media is for people. I was curious what a strictly-on-the-web magazine's take on this subject was. If that is what this is about. 

"Why would anyone listen to a derivatives lawyer talk about contemporary art?" art21 blog
Kianga Ellis, the subject of this piece, is a voice I adore and admire all over the internet (seek her out and follow her). This woman gets stuff done and her art advocacy inspires.  

The Disciplined Pursuit of Less Harvard Business Review
At first I actually thought this was going to be about stuff (objects) and then I thought maybe it would be about working less, but it turns out to be a little bit of both: businesses finding success in focus. (Or so my quick scan surmised.)

Peach Dutch Baby Pancake with Cherry Compote bon appétit
This one is really old, because cherries are waaaaaay out of season. But doesn't that sound great? This may be a recipe I actually follow.

(And as you tell from the pictures above, the internet isn't my only source of material. Woof. Time to get reading.)

Sacha Halona BaumannComment